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Ahol minden étel egy mestermunka lesz.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra sodales pharetra. Ut in feugiat sem. Curabitur auctor aliquam ipsum, et semper eros semper at. In blandit sodales nibh, ut egestas massa ullamcorper et. Integer non lectus malesuada, venenatis velit id, commodo lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum eu rutrum lacus, nec volutpat nulla. Proin sagittis tincidunt quam ac hendrerit. Vestibulum ultricies diam in suscipit tincidunt. Proin pretium ultricies arcu in accumsan. Aenean ornare ligula eu efficitur finibus. Fusce sodales nisi a ligula eleifend, in porta nibh feugiat.


noodle dish


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Magán csoport akár 10 főig.

Videó utasítások lépésről lépésre.

Exkluzív titkos receptek.

Lépésről lépésre történő útmutatással.

Kérdezd meg a séfet közvetlenül.

Kérdezd a séfet akár DM-en keresztül is.




Az ételeinket szeretettel készítjük.


Ember vett részt eddig a tanfolyamokon


Ismerkedjen meg mesterszakácsaink által kínált lenyűgöző tanfolyamokkal.

Limitált ajánlatunk keretében most kedvezményes áron élhetsz tanfolyamjainkkal mindössze 15.000 Ft/ óra

    Üres a kosaradVissza a kurzusokhoz

    Quiz Rules:

    1. Time Limit: You have a total of 120 seconds (2 minutes) to complete this quiz. A countdown timer will be displayed, and your responses must be submitted within the time limit.

    2. Question Format: The quiz consists of multiple-choice questions. Each question will be followed by a set of answer choices.

    3. Selecting Answers: To answer a question, click on the choice you believe is correct. Your selection will be highlighted.

    4. Navigating Questions: You can navigate between questions freely. Review your answers and make changes as needed within the time limit.

    5. Scoring: Your score will be based on the number of correct answers. Each correct answer earns you a point.

    6. Completion: The quiz will be considered complete when you have answered all the questions or when the 120-second time limit is reached, whichever comes first.

    7. Passing Grade: To pass the quiz and potentially receive a coupon, you must achieve a minimum score (e.g., 70% or a specific number of correct answers). Your results will be displayed at the end of the quiz.

    8. Coupon Reward: If you pass the quiz successfully within the time limit and meet the passing grade criteria, you may receive a coupon code for use on our website.

    9. Retaking the Quiz: You may retake the quiz if you do not pass on your first attempt, but please note that you must adhere to the time limit for each attempt.

    10. Enjoy and Learn: The quiz is an opportunity to test your knowledge and have fun while learning about the topic. Good luck, and we hope you enjoy the challenge!